
Contact-Implicit Trajectory Optimization With Learned Deformable Contacts Using Bilevel Optimization

Published in ICRA, 2021

Contact-Implicit Trajectory Optimization With Learned Deformable Contacts Using Bilevel Optimization

Recommended citation: Y. Zhu, Z. Pan, and K. Hauser, “Contact-Implicit Trajectory Optimization With Learned Deformable Contacts Using Bilevel Optimization,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2021.

Semi-Empirical Simulation of Learned Force ResponseModels for Heterogeneous Elastic Objects

Published in ICRA, 2020

In this work, a semi-empirical visuo-tactile model is proposed for heterogeneous elastic objects, which enables fast simulation.

Recommended citation: Y. Zhu, K. Lu, and K. Hauser, “Semi-Empirical Simulation of Learned Force ResponseModels for Heterogeneous Elastic Objects,” IEEE International Conference on Roboticsand Automation (ICRA) 2020.